Saturday, October 16, 2010

September and October... so far:)

Caleb and me (31 weeks) walking into to his school for Back to School Night:)
Caleb and Dad (as he now often says it) in front of his cubbie.
Showing Mom and Dad his school
Really happened...:) Reading a golf magazine, practicing his swing while waiting for the doc to come in at one of my appointments.
D did a half-ironman in Denver mid-September. We had a fun day cheering him on!
Waiting for Dad to run by:)

Grandma Paulie came into town to cheer D on as well!
Caleb's buddy, Cole
D racing by
He did SO well. Out for 4 1/2 hours - a 1 mile swim, 56 mile bike and 13 mile run... Proud of you D! our haircut attempts were falling short, so we took Caleb in to have his first official haircut. He got to sit in a car and watch Elmo... quite an experience! :)
Cheerin' for Dad again - D competed in the Fort Collins sprint triathlon and won.

33 week belly shot
Climbin' "up high" (as Caleb likes to say) at the park with Momma

Caleb at a fall harvest carnival jumpin' (I can't find any pictures of him jumping on our neighbor's trampoline, but it's become his FAVORITE passtime, so the opportunity to jump here was so fun for him).
D and Caleb after stopping at a dentist's booth:)
Fall crafts at the carnival
Dancin' with Momma
More carnival fun
ANOTHER chance to jump!!

Sierra turned 2 October 2nd. We had so much fun at her party!
Guess where Caleb spent most of his time? :)
Caleb and Aunt Kelly:)


For YOU, Sierra!
For YOU, Caleb... I'm laughing right now as I'm adding this picture... we do have a lot of pictures of Sierra feeding Caleb:)... cute
Caleb's new fort:)
Fall art projects
Caleb loves bringing as many things as possible into his fort, then trying to fit himself in.
Fall picnic at a natural area
This fall has been SO beautiful! I haven't been able to do the fall mountain hiking and biking I love... but look at the beauty right in our front yard:)... I've LOVED watching these two trees change this year!
We took Caleb to the CSU homecoming parade last night (Oct. 15th)... Caleb's resting on the twins:) (35 1/2 weeks) and enjoying the sights:)
Balloons and suckers:)... we had so much fun watching him take it all in!
This morning we took Caleb to get another hair cut with Papa!! (Roger and Paula are in town for the week.)

Handsome guys! :)
Caleb LOVES his Papa!! :)