The month started out in style celebrating our most favorite cousin-Lily's 3rd birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILS!!! We love you :)
Pool party at Lily's :)
The Birthday girl :) and Momma
(Head tilt)... Missy's FAVORITE thing to do when we visit the cousins is hold Miss Ali :)
La :)
(Oh, forgot the picture-order disclaimer... the pics this month again are out of order and didn't have it in me to order them. Enjoy bouncing.) ;)
Missy had her second Twinkle Toes dance recital this month :)
Getting ready to go on stage ;)
Dancin :)
(head tilt :)) Miss and Dad :)
We celebrated La's birthday at MCR Aug 10th :) ... LOVE their outdoor area there so packed lunch and bday cupcakes and picnicked and sang to our La-La :)
Celebrated La's 1st birthday with friends and family Aug 16th... super-fun celebration :)
La so happy to have her Nana in town to celebrate :)
La's buddies :)
Praying over our sweet gift :)
Birthday-girl toe ups :)
Ready for cake :)
Goofin' w uncle Jeff :)
Had a lake-side party on a beautiful summer evening :)
Birthday bubbles :)
Singin' to La
Didn't like the flame...
...but LOVED the cake :)
Sharin' with Nana :)
Learning about hawks at the raptor center :)
I'm officially not pregnant OR nursing anymore for the first time in 5 years ... won't even try to put the spectrum of feelings associated with being done into words here. Just sum it all up as grateful... beyond blessed:)
Love getting together with our good "dinner club" friends every month... fun watching the kids grow up together :)
E and Miss on their way to school :)
Our bug collection to date :)
C dismounting the beam :)
La walking with our favorite push toy. Hard to believe we've almost grown out of this Camping-family staple toy.
Got away with my good college teammate, Jacque to work on baby books before our school year began (she's a K teacher, I'm 6th). Managed to get a fun hike in around finishing up Maddy and Selah's baby books :)
Here we are back at Lily's 3rd birthday party again... Me and Ali :)
Miss being Miss...
La in her first piggies
Miss after her dance recital :)
(It's about the toe point that she instinctually does... what??? I can promise we haven't taught it to her. Reminds me of my diva-friend Miss Lisa:)
(It's about the toe point that she instinctually does... what??? I can promise we haven't taught it to her. Reminds me of my diva-friend Miss Lisa:)
La's first birthday
Visited our nurses at MCR on her bday... fun to keep in touch with the great group of ladies there!
Hard to believe #4 has graduated to the Tupperware already :)... LOVE you La! :)
On a date with Miss... we found flowers :)
Out for a walk with our Strider-buddies: )
Lovin' all the yellow sunflowers (I think) blooming this month... Makes for some gorgeous morning runs! :)
Nana and La at her party
Praying over La at her party
SInging to La
Splash-pad fun at La's party:)
Miss Singing to La :)
Warmin' up :)
La and Lil :)
Aubs and C... LOVE having the Cherry family home again! ADORE you guys! :)
Testing out the fountain :)
He-men! C and his best buddy Owen
Most gorgeous summer evening ever... La's birthday sunset over the lake :)
Miss and her best buddy Lily :)
La goofin with Uncle Jeff :)
La and Miss Amanda :)
Our Birthday Girl :)
Prarie Dog huntin' at Cathy Fromme :)
SERIOUSLY LOVE E's adventurous spirit and intense curiosity for life and this way things work. Adventures are twice as fun with his, "MOM!! LOOK!! DANDI!!" moments :). LOVE YOU E!!
Takin' over the Raptor shelter :)
Potentially not appropriate for a family blog, I had to add it. I was bending over helping Moriah poop, and looked up to see Caleb had climbed to the highest overlook to pee... are you kidding!?
Our buddies :)
A family pic with EVERYONE looking!! :)
Pirate fun :)
More pirate fun :)
Frog huntin' (small dot by the seat)
Nana came out to celebrate La's birthday this month and help me with the kids while dustin traveled to Canada for a week to race in Ironman Canada. We had so much fun playing with Nana!
Nana teaching about flowers :)
Miss and La traded places on our hike :)
La exploring :)
Handsome man haircut :)
Our Ironman (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26 mile run. All in one day. In 10 hours. UFFDA!!). Proud of you D!!!
C, E and Miss on their first day of preschool at Resurrection Fellowship
Kids LOVIN' having Nana to play with!
Lunch :)
Summer snow cones from the Kona truck :)
Making a sundial with C
Studying the sun this week :)
La during school time... organizing (or something) straws :)
C and his cuisinaire rod creations.
E at worship practice with Dad :)
STILL can't believe we have only 1 kid in diapers!!! BIG thumbs up :)
Swim lessons with dad :)
La loving riding with C
Miss, Ali and La... love these girls!
Cousin fun :)
Kelly and I meet at Flatirons once or twice a month to get together... here are our troops with a little jelly belly treat :)
A bit outnumbered :)
LOTS of sprinkler and slip n slide fun this summer :)
La doing lots of crawling this month
The kids cheering Caleb on at his Karate orange strip test day
Just love checking in on her at night... so cozy :)
Me and La ;)
A day in the life... :)
Grocery shopping 1;4 ratio... interesting adventures :)
Rain dancin'
Biking in the rain :)
Dadda frog huntin'
Headed back to teaching this month. SO blessed to be back in the classroom part-time. I just LOVE 12 year olds... they make my heart so happy!! Had to share some of the beauty of why these guys continually make my day. Look at the "What are your weaknesses in math" question. Look at what this kid wrote... lol!!
On a sweeter note, this is after just a few days together. Look at the "How do you feel about math" question... what a sweet kid:) Warms my heart :)
I love this one... "What is one question concern you have?"... LOL! ... preventing confusion would be wonderful!
Thought I'd end with a pic of E sleeping... E, you make our days SO crazy... and beautifully full of life. I sure do love you :)

Again, blessed beyond words, my biggest thank you this month is to my momma. Hard month for me trying to hold together the family, get kids ready for school, start a school year say good bye to our Ironman for a week. Momma... couldn't have done it without you. Thank you for your love, help and support. WE LOVE YOU!! :)