Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pull my leg...

Yeah!  Heather got to ditch a crutch today and start walking with both legs and the assistance of a crutch.  WOW!  I never thought it would be so amazing to see someone walking.  It was to say the least.  She had a 1 hour physical therapy session at OCR today and they gave her numerous strengthening and range-of-motion exercises for her hand and knee.  These are gonna be great for her to do just a few minutes 3-5 times a day.  Check out a couple of pics!  Only 7 days till she's walking again without the use of crutches.  And a bonus picture...tummy is growing:)


1 comment:

Grandma Paulie said...

My grandbaby is growing by the day :) Your belly is the cutest!!!!! Wish I was there to rub it. You look adorable Heather:) Waiting impatiently ha ha
Hugs, grandma Paulie