Daddy raced in his first off-road triathlon (trail running & mtn. biking) last weekend. He took 3rd place!!! GO DADDY!!!!!

Mommy changed my diaper in the long grass:)

Mommy and I went hiking to bible point last week.

I got to climb on some rocks.

We met Daddy in Estes after our hike for a walk and dinner. Daddy and I played catch together:)
Daddy and his friend Brian raced together and got really muddy!

Sierra came to the race to play. We played basketball.

I got to drive again!!

My daddy has really big feet; maybe mine will be that big someday.

... I've got a ways to go
I LOVE playing at the park!
We had a neighborhood picnic. I played with lots of friends:)
I am a total mush ball after watching this one! Way too cute and I love the video of Sierra and Caleb crawling with their lil bums wiggling LOL. thanks for all you do on here, it helps so much :) Love & Hugs
I agree with Grandma Paulie - the kids are adorable. I love the fact that whatever Caleb does, Sierra tries. Hope to see you in a week or so while I'm at Kelly & Jeff's.
Ansley wanted me to tell you that she misses you! She misses playing with you in the car and G &G's house and giving you hugs and kisses.
We can't wait to see you all again. Ansley sees your picture and names you all. Heather still doesn't sound like Heather, but she says something!!!!
Love A Erin
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