Go Rams!
Grandma and Grandpa G came to visit the first weekend in October. We had an awesome weekend together!
CSU homecoming parade

Everything's a phone ... :) "Hello!"

Grandma G. got Caleb his first guitar for his birthday - what fun!

Caleb playin' his guitar in his new car seat

Then Jeff, Kelly and Sierra came to visit

We left the kids at home with a sitter and headed to the CSU game - chilly, but fun!

Caleb, Aunt Kelly and Sierra

It's so fun watching Caleb and Sierra explore together :)

Sunday afternoon football... GO VIKES!

Nothin' better than family, Sunday afternoon football and guitars!

Dustin came to library class with Caleb earlier this month.
Playin' on the stairs with grandma and grandpa:)

We love you Grandma and Grandpa!

THEN, Dustin, Grandma and Grandpa came to music class!

Crazy Daddy dancing time:)
GO Broncos! (just a little more than Vikes) :)

Caleb and I walked to a pond to feed the ducks together one afternoon. What a special time:)
For the ducks... :)
Kelly and Sierra drove up to Fort Collins to hang out a few weekends ago. We went to the pumpkin patch. Again, such precious memories... we are so blessed:)
SO funny... Loooong stairing contest :)

Caleb and I drove to Denver to visit Kelly and Sierra. Caleb and Olivia at the park:)

We flew to Phoenix last weekend for Dustin's half ironman... we saw lots of family. Ty and Cody are our cousins. Jaylen (the one in the car with Caleb) is the son of one of Dustin's good high school friends.
Auntie praciting up with the books:)... GUESS WHAT???????? Caleb's going to have a NEW COUSIN in MAY... BABY DILLON!!! CONGRATS Kelli and Kevin!!! :)

Love you Grandma! :)

LOVE you Uncle Bear :)!

Gettin' ready for Daddy's race

Caleb got to play outside with Grandpa... what a lucky guy (Caleb that is) :)
Caleb, Great-Grandpa Rollins and Cousin Ansley:)
Ansley and Caleb playin' in the garden:)

Ryan, Erin, Caleb and Ansley

Sharin' a chair :)

Wrestling with Uncle Kevin
"I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High." - Psalm 9:1-2 Thank you, Lord, for family and so many blessings:) We love you!