One thing's for sure: I LOVE MY DADDY!!

He did another Triathlon... and WON!

Go Daddy, GO!
Mommy and I visited Sierra and Aunt Kelly last week. We played and played! Here we are playing hide-and-go-seek... can you see us hiding? :)

I LOVE walking to the park!
Grandma came to music class with me:)
and trees... and pinecones... and leaves...

I helped Nana gather lots of leaves and pinecones
I got so tired from playing so hard, I fell asleep on Nana's lap.
Then we went for a hike
We were singing funny songs
I climbed some rocks

Then we had a picnic. I saw some elk!
We were learning about some birds

Nana came to music class with me:)

Then we went to the park

I had fun watching (and helping) Sierra open presents:)
Daddy and I played drums!

We had so much fun playing together
Phew!! What a day! We got real dirty so we got to take a bath together again. Sierra sure does splash really well

Momma went on a hike with some of her old students last week. I stayed home and hung out with Daddy.
Caleb is such an adorable little guy! It was great to see you guys at Sierra's party. Where has the year gone!
Thanks for posting these pictures and videos!
What special times...celebrating Sierra's birthday...hiking in the mountains...playing with Sierra and Caleb...spending time with family..etc.
Life is good!! :-)
Oh such a precious one! It was so much fun playing for a week and taking care of you Heather :) So happy that the knee is doing good.
Looking at Sierra's b'day party, it's just amazing how quickly time goes! every moment to be cherished :)
Thanks for keeping this blog so up to date, it is so FUN to read it and watch the videos.
Love you all!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the pics, sis.
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