Go Daddy GO!
We spent a few afternoons at a nearby rec. center. They had a sweet pool with ba-ba-ba (basketball), as Caleb would say.
Picking up :)
Dunkin' with Daddy
Kelly, Jeff and I had a chance to go snowshoeing together while D held down the fort during morning nap time.
Paula ventured out on a snowshoe with me:)
We had a fun CSU reunion last weekend. Lots of our teammates flew into town; it was great seeing everyone again!
CSU's new indoor field... we couldn't help but imagine the conditioning possibilities this new facility would have held for us:)
Our neighbors from China visited for dinner last week. Grandma and Grandpa didn't know english; it was a fun experience for us all. What sweet people... reminded me of my time in Thailand and Cambodia - hard not knowing cultural expectations, eating routines and not being able to communicate well. We all had a great evening together though (they have a 15 month-old... 4 days younger than Caleb)!
Our neighbors from China visited for dinner last week. Grandma and Grandpa didn't know english; it was a fun experience for us all. What sweet people... reminded me of my time in Thailand and Cambodia - hard not knowing cultural expectations, eating routines and not being able to communicate well. We all had a great evening together though (they have a 15 month-old... 4 days younger than Caleb)!
Blast from the past!! Caleb was insistant on venturing down to the basement... oh the great things we found down there: old toys!!
He loved playing with his old bath duck so much we took it upstairs:)
Getting ready for a morning walk with Momma
Getting ready for a morning walk with Momma
We love going for a walk before morning nap time. He's getting a bit big for the Bjorn, but it still works... we chat the whole time. Caleb loves pointing out birds (ba), cars (dis), hoops (ha), trucks (ta-ta), rocks (dis), snow (dis), trees (dis), bunnies (dis), sky (uh), puppy dogs (pa)... :)
Blowin' on it... more ba-ba-ba (blue berries)!
Big boy:)
Dancin' - thanks grandma Bev!!