March started out in the BEST way possible this year... with the birth of our buddy Noah Andrew Benson! Welcome Baby Noah! :)
9 Days past her due date, my sweet friend Amanda was a champ waiting it out... all's well that ends well! :)

Gonna do it...
Did it :)
Grandma Paulie came in to town for a week to visit. She took care of the twins while I was at work... lucky guys!

... the next minute my sons clothes are all off... poor guy, half way through the flight he threw up more than I could even imagine his little stomach holding. I was holding Ethan and Caleb was on Dustin's lap when breakfast, lunch and dinner made a reappearance... Dustin held out his hand, then when his hand was full, I held my non-baby hand out... when that was full I handed Ethan off and stuck out my other hand... when that was full, we just looked at each other and watched Caleb's vomit fill his lap, clothes and seat. Poor guy. He was scared... has only thrown up one other time... started crying. I snapped out of the shock (was this really happening?) and started the cleaning process while Dusitn held Caleb reassuring him all would be okay. Here he is cleaned up down to just his diaper for the rest of the flight.

We have back up clothes for the babies, but not for Caleb... silly Mom! So here he is in grandma's sweatshirt and his tennies walking through the airport.

We have back up clothes for the babies, but not for Caleb... silly Mom! So here he is in grandma's sweatshirt and his tennies walking through the airport.

Greeted by Roger and Bear :)
:)... so the good news is, it wasn't the flu... just something he ate... or something... He's feeling just fine now:)
Shorts off, time to get serious about this
Erin and Ethan
Dustin and I left the kids with Paula Tuesday and headed up to Sedona for a day together. Man is Sedona beautiful! We had so much fun together... bit off a bit more of a strenuous hike than we had barganed for, but the challenge was fun:).

"Mama, Caleb hikin' too?" ... SO:), we went out back and he hiked! :)
"SO thirsty now Mama!" :)
Swimmin' with Ansley :)
Happy Birthday Cousin Ty! :)
She's one tough girl!