The first picture below is at Week 6:
Not a whole lot to see other than the first stages of a HUMAN! That little dot in the middle of the "dark triangle" is the developing fetus (the same size as a sesame seed).
Week 8:
Week 10:
Week 13: We are amazed how fast growth and development is occuring. Let the pictures speak! The next 3 pics are only 3 weeks later...
Looks like he/she may be throwing a punch
I'm afraid getting the head out won't be the problem...
Can we say LARGE feet!
Hurray! Good work with the blog. I love seeing the ultrasound pictures. I love you guys so much.
Your ultrasound pictures are so detailed! I'm jealous. Thanks for coming to my tri today--it turns out, you guys rock.
You just never know who you'll find on from time to time, Great to see the young'n doing so well, and you guys too!
Brad (and Sara/Grant/Dylan too!)
Beautiful thing! Can't wait to experience babyhood with you guys. We'll be praying for your healthy kangaroo child!
What an absolute miracle! God is all up in THAT!
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