Caleb and I visited Jeff and Kelly in Denver Wednesday. Afternoon nap-time meant TUBE time for us; Jeff and Kelly live on the Platte River. As we were walking a mile down the path to the put-in spot, we were joking that this should be a sport: a 10 minute brisk walk upstream between each ride... Jeff said, "Then what would you be judged on?" We giggled and said, "Pointed feet!" ...:) This picture is hilarious, Bro! Good shot:)... pointed feet and all... I'd give us a 6 for pointed feet and a 8 for synchronization! :) Love you Kel!
The water is high this year so we were (me a bit more than Kelly:)) a bit nervous the first time down the first shoot.
After we made it down that, piece of cake, we got a bit cocky... Let's hold hands! :)

I got tossed :)

So, funny story:
Last month when we were in Minnesota, Caleb got a really runny, plugged up nose, loose cough, etc. We assumed he was teething again since that's what happened before. He's had a runny nose/loose cough on and for the last 4 weeks. We kept checking his top two teeth to see if they were poking through yet... no teeth. We'd heard the top two take a while to poke through, so we just assumed his were taking a LONG while. Well, Wednesday Caleb and I were wrestling on the floor and I caught a glimpse of the underside of his top jaw and saw something white. I assumed it was left over food from lunch, so I went in to scoop it out and found THIS:

A TOOTH! Not in the middle, not even next to that, but a "fang" (sorry bud) in the canine spot. I started laughing so hard... who gets that tooth before the front two? We love you big boy! :)
LOVE those pictures of you two tubing! What fun!!
And...such a big boy! Is there another "fang" coming in on the other side?
What a fun ride! That apt that Kelly & Jeff have lived in was so perfect and in such a beautiful spot. Have fun packing next week! Look out Heather that Caleb doesn't bite too hard! :)
New Olympic sport: Synchronized Tubing =) Can't wait to see you again!
That looked like a blast! We need to come visit you guys!
Love Caleb's fang! Can't wait to hold him!
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