Happy 1st Birthday Little Guy :) Jeff, Kelly and Sierra made the trip up from Denver on the 2nd to have a little birthday dinner celebration.
Interesting method... but effective:)

Our little "wall flower" didn't have any trouble digging in :)

We celebrated with friends and family a few weeks later. What a fun party! :)
YEA for Rodie!!
Both walking now. SO fun!
LOVE fall raking!
Swim lessons with Daddy
We spent Thanksgiving in Arizona. What a wonderful week of family fun:). We all ran/walked in a 5K/10K Thursday morning.

Dancin' with Ansley
I've had so much free time this year to think about Thanksgiving... how very blessed we are. I am so grateful for so many things! Some topping the list:
- Jesus... His intimate love, mercy, faithfulness and spectacular plan for the lives of all of His kids
- Dustin and God's plan for marriage. Thank you Lord for giving me such a wonderful teammate to share life with, learn with, play with, grow with and love:)
- Caleb - I struggle putting into words the deep love and adoration I have for our sweet boy... for the gift that he is, parenthood...thank you Lord SO much
- Family - everywhere we turn we've got gobs of love pouring out on us from parents, sisters, brothers, cousins... I often wonder how in the world we got so lucky - I feel so undeserving... SO GRATEFUL for every second we get to spend with family whether in person or over the phone
- Friends - Lord, you've blessed us with absolutely AMAZING friends... again, I feel so undeserving... SO VERY BLESSED!
- Health (in general, but specifically the ability to walk and use both arms) and the health of family members
- Financial provision. Thank you Lord!
- Ft. Collins/Colorado - to live in a state with SO MUCH beauty, and opportunities to play outside!!
- Our Country - while having grown up in a generation seemingly seperated from the understanding of the true gift we have in freedom, I've spent a lot of time this year thinking about America... in awe of the structures that were set in place hundreds of years ago giving us the gift of freedom, voice and equality. Words really cannot express the gratitude I feel to all the men and women who have given their lives for my freedom... and to the present men and women risking their lives every day to protect mine... wow - what a sacrifice. Lord, bless them for their selfless devotion to others.
Happy Thanksgiving! :)
Heather - it's a good thing you aren't working this year! You've been truly blessed to see so many of God's wonders. Can't wait to see Caleb (and you and Dustin) over Christmas. Rumor has it, I get to babysit??
"grandma" Bev
Heather, this is your husband! I think the latest post is AMAZING. Thanks for taking all the time to keep so many updated with pics and great thoughts:) Keep up the great work. Love you, D
Great update! It was great to see you guys and I am so happy you finally made it to the Grand Canyon....next we are heading to Sedona!!
Can't wait to see december pics!
Love E
These are great! We are so blessed and so fortunate to have so much time with you all the last year. What great memories and Heather you did an amazing job on Caleb's party! Love you all 3
Happy 1st Birthday Caleb! I know i'm a little late but wanted to wish the little man the best birthday! Great pictures as well! I wish I had more time myself to keep our blog up to date! Oh well! Hope you all have a very blessed Christmas!
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