This month started out with rest for me:)... Paula and Roger came into town and helped Dustin with the kids for a couple of days while I took a ... break:). Two days of quiet - me and my Bible:)... and my pump of course:):)
Highlands Retreat Center in Allenspark, CO.
Time to put my feet up, rest, reflect, Pray, journal, release, read, listen... was amazing. Thank you D, Roger, Paula and Jesus!! Came back refreshed and SO grateful!
Sunset hike I took to three crosses point, just me and the Lord... beautiful.

Made it home in time to celebrate the 4th with the fam:).

Made it home in time to celebrate the 4th with the fam:).

Hiked horsetooth with my good friend Amanda and her son Noah... and just Moriah... SO much fun to do something with just her... here she is getting a little pre-hike breakfast:)

Dustin and I were invitied to be guest speakers at Camp Timberline in Estes park earlier this month as well. We left the kids with Roger and Paula (THANK YOU AGAIN!!!) and headed up to speak to the kiddos and spend the night at camp. FUN, FUN getaway for us!

Have LOVED getting my 'blades back out again this summer!!! HAPPY GIRL BLADING!:)... Caleb likes to come with me in the jogger:).

Our sweet neighbor girls that have been such WONDERFUL babysitters for us. They moved last week... we will miss them SO much!

Dustin and I celebrated 10 years July 21st. We celebrated with a sitter and hike up Horsetooth at sunset... AMAZING evening... LOVE you SO much D!!!

Took a family hike in Estes... lots of kids, little adults, but still doable and SO much fun! :)
Lord, I love doing these entries every month... time to reflect, soak all the blessing in one more time before moving on to the next adventure. This month I'm wiping away tears of gratitude as I relive yet another month filled with so much beauty. Thank you... Thank you SO much for family, friends and the warmth of summer... and for Colorado... I LOVE the mountains:):). Continue to cover and lead us Lord. Thank you for being our Rock.
Love your updates! I can hear your voice in my head as I read:) Miss you. We are blessed Momma's aren't we!!! Kiss your three for me.
It was such a fun visit. I'm filled with gratitude as well!!
Beautiful pictures Heather! God is amazing.
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