Sunday, November 2, 2008

Today is D-DAY!!!!!

Who's your daddy?  I'm gonna be today!!!  I feel fortunate to be spending some time writing this morning from room 5126 at Medical Center of The Rockies.  Heather's water broke at 3:15am this morning.  After sitting up in bed, she calmly said, "D, it's time to go to the hospital".  "Sweet!  It's game time" I thought.  So, we took our time packing and getting ready to head out.  We weren't in a rush cause she wasn't contracting yet.  About a half hour ago, they started her on potosin to nudge labor along a bit(They've done this to stay on schedule because baby must come out within a certain period of time because her water broke.  Her cervix is dialated a bit more but it's still in a posterior position (sitting back).  So, this medicine has definitely increased her contractions to a greater intensity.  She is feeling great, more discomfort during a contraction of course, and on a walk right now with Kristen and her mom.  I have been waiting for this day for a long time and can't wait to post the next blog with a picture of my son!  WOW!

Love, D 


Bev said...

Dustin & Heather - we are SO exicited and anxiously awaiting the final push! You are in our prayers!

Bev & Dan

James, Lisa, Brady & Samantha said...

Can't wait to see pictures of Caleb!! Great middle name, btw! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Brad said...

Congrats guys - We're praying for you all, and very very excited for you..... just wait, you'll be functioning on 5 hours of sleep in no time....

Jerry & Jane said...

Congratulations Dustin & Heather:

Looking forward to pictures of Caleb James!

Jerry & Jane