Mommy got done with school last Friday, so we headed up to Estes Park for the weekend to relax. I loved snuggling Mommy by the river!

When we got back, Daddy and I helped Mommy move out of her classroom (Mommy and I get to hang out ALL DAY LONG together next year!) I was in charge of jumping in my jumper while Mommy packed and Daddy took loads home.
I got to fly home to Arizona with Mommy to celebrate my aunt Kelli's wedding shower. She gave me a bath. I LOVE her!!!
... AND I got to play with my cousin Ansley too. She is very old and knows a lot of stuff; I try to keep up :)
Me and my mommy :)
THEN, we flew home to cheer Daddy on at his second triathlon of the year.

Go Daddy GO!
Watching and cheering... (that's my daddy in the white swim cap) :).
I can hardly take the intensity of this moment... A little cow bell always helps! :)

YEA Daddy!!! My daddy WON the Greeley Triathlon!!! I'm SO PROUD OF YOU DADDY!! :)

YEA Daddy!!! My daddy WON the Greeley Triathlon!!! I'm SO PROUD OF YOU DADDY!! :)
And just when I thought my day couldn't get any better, I got to play with Sierra too!!!
Nothin' like chewing on tags - TOGETHER! :)
Dustin and Heather...Caleb is adorable! Isn't it fun to watch them grow?!? Congrats on the triathalon, Dustin!
Those are great pics! Caleb is such a little man! I'm not sure who's going to be tougher ... Caleb or Sierra - she certainly doesn't back away! They are going to have such fun growing up together!
Yes, I forgot - awesome Dustin! You rock!
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