1) It's now clear why it's been 2 months since I've had the time to sit down and work on the blog... BUSY couple of months!
2) I am SO thankful for family and friends
3) I can't believe how many "firsts" we've had over the last few months.
So, I'm learning much as we work our way through this new life. One is you can't make everything "just right", Heather... simply not enough time in the day. A hard truth for me to accept at times, this entry challenged my retention of the lesson: Are you going to take the extra 45 minutes to order the pictures chronologically after uploading them all, or are you going to be okay with presenting them unordered??? Through gritted teeth, I resign to unordered ... or it may be another 2 months before these get posted:). So hang with me as we jump around our last 2 months of life. :)
First time away from my boys for 6 days (I'll explain where they went later... when I come to those pictures.) ... Thankful for cell phones and the ability to send pictures to each other. Kisses to my boys... !

Moriah's first dress... can't believe how FUN it is to dress a GIRL!!! :)

Caleb's first time planting seeds :)

Caleb's first time planting seeds :)
Our first family-of-five 5K on Dustin's birthday last weekend! What fun (SO SO SO SO thankful to be running and free of the 50 pound weight on my belly!!!)

So this was after the race... this picture makes me laugh (well first of all, Roger came into town that weekend to visit!) because you'll notice it's a family picture: Roger, Dustin, Ethan, Caleb, Me, Moriah... and a girl... a friend's daughter's friend jumping in the picture because she happened to be holding Moriah... telling of our life right now, enlisting whatever help we can get, even if it means taking a family picture with a friend of a friend of a friend :).

First time Caleb experimented with sticking things up his nose... I'm laughing so hard right now because this picture just reminded me of a detail I'd forgotten: this was the first nose experiment, but not the last. A few days later (after a day or so of notibly increased amount of sneezing) Caleb sneezed out a pumpkin seed that we concluded had been in his nose for at least 2 days... true story, ask Nanna :)

Getting ready for our First family-0f-five bike ride last Friday

Poor Caleb... was so scared of his new seat at first. Off we went anyway... he was fine after a few minutes :)

Our destination: Qdoba for dinner.

This was also the twins' first dinner sitting in big girl/boy seats :)
The twins' first baby sitters: Anna and Sarah... neighborhood homeschool girls that watch the twins Friday mornings when I take Caleb to music class.
My first Mother's Day with 3: sometimes I can hardly believe that's me, with 3 young kids... so blessed!!
I LOVE this girl... I peeked over her carseat to see if she was still sleeping at the park Sunday to find this beautiful smile :)

Zonked :)

Nana and Kelly prepared an awesome picnic lunch for us after church... what a beautiful day!

Nana and Kelly prepared an awesome picnic lunch for us after church... what a beautiful day!
So I took these two pictures of the babies after dinner one evening... so typical: Ethan clean as can be, and "Missy" full of food.

Caleb loves hanging out with Owen :)

Such is life in the home of three young kids... Moriah fell asleep waiting for her dinner... LOL :)

Such is life in the home of three young kids... Moriah fell asleep waiting for her dinner... LOL :)

Nana's got the dinner "juggle" down well. Moriah in one arm, making salad in the other... WE LOVE YOU NANA!!! :)

Twins' first Easter... Easter in Fort Collins: Jeff, Kelly, Sierra, Lily and Nana visited to celebrate Easter this year... SO fun having all 5 kids in the same place at the same time.

Ready, set... GO!
Nana helpin' with dinner
... couldn't resist a family pic with the bunny at the Redeember Lutheran Easter egg hunt :)

Big E :)

... another dress. SO fun! :)

Big E :)

... another dress. SO fun! :)

So this is why Dustin and Caleb were out of town for 6 days the first week in April. They flew to Arizona where D competed in a half-Ironman. He did well! :) ...2nd in his age group 10th over all. Way to go D!

On the same note, Dustin flew to Oklahoma to compete in a marathon the first weekend in May. He finished 18th out of 6,000... again great job D! We're proud of you! ... and glad to have you home :)
Snoozin in my arms while Caleb plays in the gym at Miramont... so cozy :)
Ms. Linda, the nanny who watches the twins while I'm teaching Mondays and Tuesdays, feeding the babies bottles :)
The twins, Caleb and I ventured down to denver late March to meet Kelly, Sierra and Lily at the Children's Museum for a morning of fun. We had a great time!
Happy cousins
All 5 on a lily pad :)
Jeff visited the Sunday Dustin and Jeff were in Arizona... man is he a motivated worker. He came to visit and help me move some things. So my idea was that we'd do two things: move a crib out of the twins' room, giving them their own rooms (they were waking each other up during nap time) and second, do a little work in the basement...
Here is the twins' room before the move. It was hard for me to seperate them; I always thought they'd be together for a long time, but it just wasn't any longer practical (and we can always move them back together in the future).
and after... Moriah's room:
and Ethan's room
... and then there's our basement. Prior to Jeff's visit, the floor was covered with boxes, friends' stored items, random hand-me-down clothes ... the list goes on and on. Together we managed to condense items, bring MANY car loads of things to Good Will, create two bedroom areas and a play area for Caleb.
Bedroom #1
Such wonderful pictures! Thanks for taking the time to post all of these memorable moments.
Love all the pictures! Thanks for catching us up with your kiddos. Growing way to fast for my liking:)
Love you guys and miss you.
Such joy, such love, such beautiful babies :) Thank u Heather for doing such an amazing job on this blog. It helps sooooo much. Love u all :)
ya know Cuz, people are only going to ask questions about the padded white walls in Caleb's playroom ;-) Great pics!
I can't believe it - I get back from vacation and the kids have grown up! They are ALL adorable - and thank you so much for putting them on the blog. i don't care if they are in order, or upside down, it's just fun to see them!
Love ya
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