Saturday, August 9, 2008

Home Sweet Home:)

Please accept my apology for not updating the blog since Thursday.  Alot has happened since then.  We were hoping to go home on Thursday evening.  But after an intense therapy session and more pain than she could nearly handle, it was advised that we stay an extra night.  That was a good move as it gave Heather more time to recover under constant supervision of the nursing staff and the comfortable bed (Truly she loves the hospital bed).  Friday morning was a great morning!  Heather and I took a great walk to the atrium area to enjoy what felt like a nice "Seattle" morning.  She got to read a bit and enjoy some food.  I even bummed a back scratch from her:)  
We were discharged at 12 noon and started the process of getting her out of there.  I washed her hair and got her some "normal" clothes to wear.  She was in great spirit and feeling pretty good as we departed MCR (Don't forget, hopefully we'll be right back there in 90 days for Little Camping:)  I got her in the truck, headed to Subway for some lunch and a little time outside to enjoy some fresh air.  We ended the afternoon with a much anticipated pre-scheduled 3-D ultrasound appointment to get our first real look at Little Camping.  WOW!  The pain and discomfort that she was starting to feel in the leg was quickly snuffed out by the beauty we were watching in the ultrasound (pics above).  Little Camping cooperated better than most do for this 3-D ultrasound but he was definitely up against the placenta most of the time and kept his little hands near or over his face throughout the 20 minutes.  We did manage to capture some good shots though.  For the first time in a couple weeks, the "happy tears" flowed from Heathers cheeks as she got to see our little warrior in 3-D.  

He has been amazing throughout this all this trauma.  Please continue to pray for strong and healthy growth and a shield of protection over him.  
I headed to the airport last night (Really enjoyed the time in the car for an hour in peace and quiet and rest) to pick up my parents and my sister.  I am so glad they are back in town for a few days.  We watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics and I put an application in right away for Heather to compete in the Special Olympics here soon...just kidding people:)  
Today was a special day for Heather.  She had her first baby shower.  I wasn't there so I can't say too much about it.  But, by the sounds of it, she was spoiled and blessed by many who showered her with hugs, conversation and great gifts.  I'm bummed I didn't get any tools or golf balls for little Camping, but oh well.  Her pain is really good today (she is sticking to a consistent schedule of taking meds though after trying to go without them last night and that wasn't a fun experience..ouch) and she is continuing to heal each day.  We still have to be very gentle with the knee but she is doing great.  The other pictures above tell the rest.  We took bandages off this afternoon and were pleasantly surprised by the incision.  It was smaller and cleaner than we thought it was.  Today was a great day and we look forward to more progress.  I will probably update this blog every few days from hear on out.  Please accept a huge thanks from Heather and me for all the prayers, gifts, flowers, emails and cards recently.  We are truly the most blessed in the world to have family and friends like that.  

Thanks, D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loove you so much Mrs.Camping! You are so strong and I am so glad that you are doing good! I hope that your pain gets to easing soon!