Thursday, August 7, 2008
Let the therapy begin!
No pain no gain! I think that's the famous one-liner. Anyway, I will quickly find some truth in that one-liner as I observe and assist Heather down this road of rehabilitation and recovery. Today, it already began. The physical therapy team (Tim, Anne, and an intern) came in around 9:30am this morning to introduce the journey we are going to be embarking upon. They taught us the process of supporting the knee properly in and out of bed, on or off the couch, showering ideas, walking with the walker, and using a crutch properly up and down stairs. For the first round of therapy, I think it was a bit more than she could handle (and you can all imagine how intense that must have been given her threshold, tolerance and determination.). I think more than anything we have been through (not including the accident itself), it has been the hardest on me to watch my her struggle through the pain and discomfort and the effort required to do the smallest of things in the therapy. I do realize that is only Day 1 after surgery, but it is still difficult. Below are a few pics and a VIDEO!.

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Hey Heather and Dustin! Just wanted to wish you happy healing and know that you and baby Camping are in our thoughts. We would like to bring you dinner so we will be in touch. Check out our blog: www.uhrichcrew.blogspot.com. Talk to you soon.
Amy Uhrich
Hey guys - thanks so much for keeping this so well updated, it's really nice for those of us that can't come see you! You're always in our thoughts and prayers, but even moreso now. Only happy, healing thoughts from here on. Good luck with the therapy, we know you'll do great. Love you - James, Lisa & Brady
So good to see you up and outside! Thanks for the video, as your friends said it is nice for us that can't come see you.
D - thanks so much for blogging. Heather, you're amazing! We admire your strength so much. We're praying for you both and we can't wait to see you tomorrow!
Kelly & Jeff
Dustin: Thanks for the updates and the photos. You both are in our thoughts and prayers.
We're glad to hear you and the baby are doing well. Please let us know if you need anything. Katie's been in touch with some of the "Stars" girls. They'd love to help you with something. Let me know if there's anything they can do for you. She thought they could help you get your classroom decorated (she's got an in with some really cool stuff!), but I heard through the grapevine that you already have it in order. Take care of yourself and the baby! Be sure to let me know what we can do for you.
The Hazel Family
Rob, Ginger, Laura, & Katie
Heather & Dustin - glad you made it through surgery ok. Baby Camping is going to enjoy this story! Good luck in school, let those kids take care of you. We wish you a speedy recovery and will keep you in our prayers! Love ya
Bev & Dan
Love the blue sock! I am jealous and want one of my own! My dad said get better soon!
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