Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day was a SUCCESS!

Good morning!  WOW, it's almost been a month (this coming Sunday) since the accident.  In many ways, time has flown.  In other ways, not so much:(  I'm happy to be giving updates now as Heather is doing better each day.  Below are some pictures in her routine of things:  Eating breakfast at the kitchen table (you can see by the picture below that she got her stitches out and they have been replaced by butterfly stitches that will fall off this week), riding in the back seat of the car, and getting her ultrasound check up from Dr. Priebe to make sure baby is doing great through all this...and he is a CHAMP!
She got a new cast put on last Friday.  Our appointment was good overall.  The knee looks great and is healing very well.  The arm is as well but Dr. Baer noticed a "space" below the joint area by her wrist that he wanted to be sure wouldn't pose any future problems.  So, he adjusted the wrist AGAIN and recasted it a bit higher towards her elbow to restrict a little more movement in her arm for a couple of weeks.  She went "baby blue" this time (See pic below).  You'll notice she's in the backseat and the cab driver (that would be me) took the picture.  However, I'm happy to announce that she is officially riding in the front seat with me now.  She is able to bend her knee (which is what she is working on daily anyways as prescribed by Doc) just enough to get it in the door.  That is much nicer for both of us.  
Our final ultrasound check on Baby C pertaining to all this chaos we've experienced!  He looks handsome.
Congrats to Heather!  The first day at Bethke Elementary as a 5th grade teacher was a success.  The first day was better and easier than anticipated...and that's with the elevator still not working.  She was definitely tired from a full day, but not as bad as she thought she would be.  Her classroom looks amazing as you can see, and her kids are going to be wonderful.  5th graders are so cute.  She has 14 girls and 5 boys this year.  Below are some pictures to enjoy.  We are continuing to find our routine getting easier and a bit more efficient.  I know God's preparing us for more responsibility and tasks with the little one on the way.   Thank you again for your continued prayers and support.  I know her spirit and mine as well have been bathed and lifted up in prayer by hundreds of people.  And for that we are so greatful!  

We Love you all, 


Brad said...

Great to hear you're getting better by the day Cuz, keep it up, because you'll find out in time that sitting down with a little one afoot is a rarity!! ;-)

Brad, Sara, Grant and Dylan

Erin said...

So glad Heather is doing better! You look awesome...crutches and all!!!!
Love you guys

James, Lisa, Brady & Samantha said...

Heather - you look great! So good to hear things are looking up, even if just slightly! Thanks again for being so good at updating your site!